If you have any problems with this process, please email the webmaster at
You must be logged in as a member - left side of the screen at the bottom. Use the email address
where you receive your newsletter. If you have forgotten your password, click on
"forgot password" and the site will email you a new one, to that email address.
Renewing members will receive a poster of koi varieties and a helpful hint handout. We will distribute once we're able to meet again in person.
If you are listed as a spouse or 2nd adult in the family, you will not be able to renew - it must be
done by the primary member of the household.
Once you are signed in, on the left side of the screen at the bottom, in a burnt orange box, you
will see your name and under it, "view profile". Click on that, and the first thing you will see
is "Membership details". Follow the prompts to renew your membership or to change
your membership level from single to family or family to single.
There are several ways to pay your dues:
->online using your PayPal account
->online using your credit card
->you can start the process online and elect to pay by mailing a check - if you want to do this, you will receive an email giving you the address for the check
->if you don't want to do anything online, just send an email to socokoi@comcast.net and you will get an email letting you know where to send a check
->you can come to a meeting and pay there!
We can accept credit card payments. Bring your card to a meeting, or call Phil (the Treasurer) at 632-0685 with your card number. All secure and safe.